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Ordinance 2023-2 Directing and Ordering Removal or Razing of the Building Located at 402 Waco & Missouri, Caraway, Arkansas

For a printable version of Ordinance 2023-2 Directing and Ordering Removal or Razing of the Building Located at 402 Waco & Missouri, Caraway, Arkansas (which includes all content as listed below), click here.

WHEREAS, ACA 14-56-203 authorizes the City of Caraway, Arkansas, to remove or raze any houses that have become dilapidated,  unsightly, unsafe, unsanitary, obnoxious or detrimental to public welfare; and

WHEREAS, the building located at 402 Waco & Missouri, Caraway, Arkansas, should be removed and/or razed due to the reasons set forth in ACA 14-56-203.

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Caraway, Arkansas, to wit:

The City of Caraway, Arkansas, has inspected the property located at 402 Waco & Missouri, Caraway, and consistently found the following problems to wit:

  1. The house is in a state of disrepair, and it is not fit human habitation. Specifically, and without limitation, there are rotting window sills, rafters, ceiling jousts, building fascia, a deteriorating roof, and broken windows all of which can allow rats, mice, skunk, opossums, or any other vermin to enter into the walls of the structure.
    Windows are broken, Roof has holes, roof parts hanging over, Brick has cracks in it, and Floors are rotted out.
  2. That the City has made efforts to have the problems outlined herein eliminated and has contacted the owner with no success.
  3. That the City has been unable to remedy the problem with the property. It is the opinion of the City Council that the building described herein has become dilapidated, unsightly, unsafe, unsanitary and detrimental to the public welfare.
  4. The City Attorney is directed to file the appropriate legal action in the Circuit Court of Craighead County, Arkansas, to obtain an Order authorizing and directing the removal/razing of the house described herein.
  5. Therefore, in order to continue to preserve the health, safety and welfare of city residents an emergency is hereby declared and this ordinance shall be immediately effective upon its passage and approval.

PASSED AND APPROVED this 12 day of October, 2023.

Signed Bo James, Mayor
Attested by Clerk/Recorder Rick Stevens

The undersigned, Rick Stevens, Clerk/Recorder for the City of Caraway, Arkansas, hereby certifies that the foregoing 2 pages (including any attachments hereto) are a true and perfect copy of Ordinance No. 2023-2, adopted at a regular session of the City Council of the City of Caraway, Arkansas, held at the regular meeting place in said city at 6 o'clock p.m., on the 12 day of October, 2023 and
that the ordinance is now of record in the official records of the city maintained in my office.

GIVEN under my hand and seal on this 12 day of October, 2023.

Signed Clerk/Recorder Rick Stevens